5.7.5. SDP Modeling and Optimization in Python

In this chapter, we will use MindOpt Python API to model and solve the problem in Examples of semidefinite programming. SDP Example I

Include Python package:

26from mindoptpy import *

Step I: Create an optimization model

Create an empty MindOpt model:

31    # Step 1. Create a model.
32    model = Model()

Step II: SDP model input

By using Model.addPsdVar(), we add a semidefinite matrix variable \(\mathbf{X}\) with dimensions of \(3\times3\).

36        # Add a PSD matrix variable.
37        X = model.addPsdVar(dim=3, name="X")

We input the coefficient matrix \(\mathbf{C}\) of the objective function. And we set the objective function of the model with the first argument of Model.setObjective() and set the optimization direction to maximize with the second argument.

40        C = np.array([[-3, 0, 1], [0, -2, 0], [1, 0, -3]])
41        objective = C * X
42        model.setObjective(objective, MDO.MAXIMIZE)

We input the constraint coefficient matrix \(\mathbf{A}\) and add constraints to the model by using Model.addConstr().

44        # Input the constraint.
45        A = np.array([[3, 0, 1], [0, 4, 0], [1, 0, 5]])
46        model.addConstr(A * X == 1, "c0")

Step III: Solve SDP model

Solve the optimization problem via Model.optimize().

49        model.optimize()

Retrieve the optimal objective function value,

52            # Display objective.
53            print("Objective: " + str(objective.getValue()))

Obtain the value of positive semi-definite matrix \(\mathbf{X}\).

55            # Display the solution.
56            print("X = ")
57            print(X.PsdX)

Step IV: Release model

68        # Step 4. Free the model.
69        model.dispose()

The complete example code is provided in mdo_sdo_ex1.py:

 3 *  Description
 4 *  -----------
 5 *
 6 *  Semidefinite optimization (row-wise input).
 7 *
 8 *  Formulation
 9 *  -----------
10 *
11 *  Maximize
12 *  obj: 
13 *    tr(C X)
14 *  Subject To
15 *    c0 : tr(A X) = 1
16 *  Bounds
17 *    X is p.s.d.
18 *
19 *  Matrix
20 *    C = [ -3  0  1 ]  A = [ 3 0 1 ]
21 *        [  0 -2  0 ]      [ 0 4 0 ]
22 *        [  1  0 -3 ]      [ 1 0 5 ]
23 *  End
24 */
25 """
26from mindoptpy import *
27import numpy as np
29if __name__ == "__main__":
31    # Step 1. Create a model.
32    model = Model()
34    try:
35        # Step 2. Input model.
36        # Add a PSD matrix variable.
37        X = model.addPsdVar(dim=3, name="X")
39        # Set objective.
40        C = np.array([[-3, 0, 1], [0, -2, 0], [1, 0, -3]])
41        objective = C * X
42        model.setObjective(objective, MDO.MAXIMIZE)
44        # Input the constraint.
45        A = np.array([[3, 0, 1], [0, 4, 0], [1, 0, 5]])
46        model.addConstr(A * X == 1, "c0")
48        # Step 3. Solve the problem and display the result.
49        model.optimize()
51        if model.status == MDO.OPTIMAL:
52            # Display objective.
53            print("Objective: " + str(objective.getValue()))
55            # Display the solution.
56            print("X = ")
57            print(X.PsdX)
58        else:
59            print("No feasible solution.")
60    except Exception as e:
61        print("Received Mindopt exception.")
62        print(" - Code          : {}".format(e.errno))
63        print(" - Reason        : {}".format(e.message))
64    except Exception as e:
65        print("Received exception.")
66        print(" - Reason        : {}".format(e))
67    finally:
68        # Step 4. Free the model.
69        model.dispose() SDP Example II

Include Python package:

32from mindoptpy import *

Step I: Create an optimization model

Create an empty MindOpt model:

38    # Step 1. Create a model.
39    model = Model()

Step II: SDP model input

Add two non-negative variables \(x_0\) and \(x_1\) via Model.addVar().

43        # Add nonnegative scalar variables.
44        x0 = model.addVar(lb=0.0, name="x0")
45        x1 = model.addVar(lb=0.0, name="x1")

By using Model.addPsdVar(), we add two semidefinite matrix variables \(\mathbf{X}_0\) and \(\mathbf{X}_1\) with their dimensions of \(2\times 2\) and \(3\times 3\).

47        # Add PSD matrix variables.
48        X0 = model.addPsdVar(dim = 2, name = "X0")
49        X1 = model.addPsdVar(dim = 3, name = "X1")

We input the coefficient matrices \(\mathbf{C}_0\) and \(\mathbf{C}_1\) of the objective function. Set the objective function of the model with the first argument of Model.setObjective() and set the optimization direction to maximize with the second argument.

51        # Set objective
52        C0 = np.array([[2, 1], [1, 2]])
53        C1 = np.array([[3, 0, 1], [0, 2, 0], [1, 0, 3]])
54        objective = C0 * X0 + C1 * X1
55        model.setObjective(objective, MDO.MAXIMIZE)

We input the constraint coefficient matrix \(\mathbf{A}_{00}\) and add the first constraint to the model by using Model.addConstr().

57        # Input the first constraint.
58        A00 = np.array([[3, 1], [1, 3]])
59        model.addConstr(A00 * X0 + x0 == 1, "c0")

Input the second constraint coefficient matrix \(\mathbf{A}_{11}\), and add the second constraint via Model.addConstr().

61        # Input the second constraint.
62        A11 = np.array([[3, 0, 1], [0, 4, 0], [1, 0, 5]])
63        model.addConstr(A11 * X1 + x1 == 2, "c1")

Step III: Solve SDP model

Solve the optimization problem via Model.optimize().

66        model.optimize()

Retrieve the optimal objective function value.

69            # Display objective.
70            print("Objective: " + str(objective.getValue()))

Obtain the value of positive semi-definite matrices.

72            # Display the solution.
73            print("x0 = " + " {0:7.6f}".format(x0.X))
74            print("x1 = " + " {0:7.6f}".format(x1.X))
75            print("X0 = ")
76            print(X0.PsdX)
77            print("X1 = ")
78            print(X1.PsdX)

Step IV: Release model

89        # Step 4. Free the model.
90        model.dispose()

The complete example code is provided in mdo_sdo_ex2.py :

 3 *  Description
 4 *  -----------
 5 *
 6 *  Semidefinite optimization (row-wise input).
 7 *
 8 *  Formulation
 9 *  -----------
10 *
11 *  Maximize
12 *  obj: 
13 *   tr(C0 X0)   + tr(C1 X1)    + 0 x0 + 0 x1
14 *  Subject To
15 *   c0 : tr(A00 X0)                + 1 x0        = 1
16 *   c1 :              tr(A11 X1)          + 1 x1 = 2
17 *  Bounds
18 *    0 <= x0
19 *    0 <= x1
20 *    X0,X1 are p.s.d.
21 *
22 *  Matrix
23 *    C0 =  [ 2 1 ]   A00 = [ 3 1 ]
24 *          [ 1 2 ]         [ 1 3 ]
25 *
26 *    C1 = [ 3 0 1 ]  A11 = [ 3 0 1 ]
27 *         [ 0 2 0 ]        [ 0 4 0 ]
28 *         [ 1 0 3 ]        [ 1 0 5 ]
29 *  End
30 */
31 """
32from mindoptpy import *
33import numpy as np
36if __name__ == "__main__":
38    # Step 1. Create a model.
39    model = Model()
41    try:
42        # Step 2. Input model.
43        # Add nonnegative scalar variables.
44        x0 = model.addVar(lb=0.0, name="x0")
45        x1 = model.addVar(lb=0.0, name="x1")
47        # Add PSD matrix variables.
48        X0 = model.addPsdVar(dim = 2, name = "X0")
49        X1 = model.addPsdVar(dim = 3, name = "X1")
51        # Set objective
52        C0 = np.array([[2, 1], [1, 2]])
53        C1 = np.array([[3, 0, 1], [0, 2, 0], [1, 0, 3]])
54        objective = C0 * X0 + C1 * X1
55        model.setObjective(objective, MDO.MAXIMIZE)
57        # Input the first constraint.
58        A00 = np.array([[3, 1], [1, 3]])
59        model.addConstr(A00 * X0 + x0 == 1, "c0")
61        # Input the second constraint.
62        A11 = np.array([[3, 0, 1], [0, 4, 0], [1, 0, 5]])
63        model.addConstr(A11 * X1 + x1 == 2, "c1")
65        # Step 3. Solve the problem and display the result.
66        model.optimize()
68        if model.status == MDO.OPTIMAL:
69            # Display objective.
70            print("Objective: " + str(objective.getValue()))
72            # Display the solution.
73            print("x0 = " + " {0:7.6f}".format(x0.X))
74            print("x1 = " + " {0:7.6f}".format(x1.X))
75            print("X0 = ")
76            print(X0.PsdX)
77            print("X1 = ")
78            print(X1.PsdX)
79        else:
80            print("No feasible solution.")
81    except Exception as e:
82        print("Received Mindopt exception.")
83        print(" - Code          : {}".format(e.errno))
84        print(" - Reason        : {}".format(e.message))
85    except Exception as e:
86        print("Received exception.")
87        print(" - Reason        : {}".format(e))
88    finally:
89        # Step 4. Free the model.
90        model.dispose()