3.5. License settings

To run the standalone edition of MindOpt, you must first obtain a valid license.

3.5.1. Obtain License

MindOpt supports two kinds of authentication methods:
  • Floating License. Checking authentication by the remote cloud server, but run the application locally in your own computer.

  • Local License. License is bound to the cpu-id of your computer.

Ways to obtain the license:
  • If your computer can connect to Internet, we recommend that you use a cloud floating license and obtain the license on cloud authorization . Please buy the service and obtain a “licenseKey’’ by yourself, and configure the floating license file” fl_client.ini ‘’. Now it is charge free for linear programming.

  • If you need to use the solver in a non-networked environment, you can send your application to our email, see Contact us.


  • You can effectively activate MindOpt with either a floating license fl_client.ini or a local license mindopt.lic .

  • When both license files are available, the software will verify mindopt.lic first.

After you obtain the license, perform the following steps.

3.5.2. Installation on Windows

Default directory for storing the license:

  1. On your computer, click Start and enter cmd to start the command prompt.

  2. Create a folder named mindopt in your home directory to obtain a new directory, such as C:\Users\Administrator\mindopt. Then, store your license file in this directory. Either mindopt.lic or fl_client.ini is acceptable. If they coexist, verify mindopt.lic first.

Authorization file for cloud-based authentication: fl_client.ini

mkdir mindopt
copy <PATH\TO\LICENSE>\fl_client.ini mindopt\

Authorization file for local authentication: mindopt.lic

mkdir mindopt
copy <PATH\TO\LICENSE>\mindopt.lic mindopt\

Custom directory for storing the license:

  1. Choose Computer > Properties > Advanced system settings > Advanced > Environment Variables.

  2. Click New to add an environment variable. Enter MINDOPT_LICENSE_PATH in Name and specify the directory where the license file is stored in Value.

3.5.3. Installation on Linux

Default directory for storing the license:

Create a folder named mindopt in your home directory to store the license file. Either mindopt.lic or fl_client.ini is acceptable. If they coexist, verify mindopt.lic first.

Authorization file for cloud-based authentication: fl_client.ini

mkdir ~/mindopt
cp <PATH/TO/LICENSE>/fl_client.ini ~/mindopt/

Authorization file for local authentication: mindopt.lic

mkdir ~/mindopt
cp <PATH/TO/LICENSE>/mindopt.lic ~/mindopt/

Custom directory for storing the license:

Specify the directory for storing the license file by using an environment variable.


<PATH/TO/MY/LICENSE> indicates the directory where the license file is stored.

3.5.4. Installation on OSX

Default directory for storing the license:

Create a folder named mindopt in your home directory to store your license file. Either mindopt.lic or fl_client.ini is acceptable. If they coexist, verify mindopt.lic first.

Authorization file for cloud-based authentication: fl_client.ini

mkdir ~/mindopt
cp <PATH/TO/LICENSE>/fl_client.ini ~/mindopt/

Authorization file for local authentication: mindopt.lic

mkdir ~/mindopt
cp <PATH/TO/LICENSE>/mindopt.lic ~/mindopt/

Custom directory for storing the license:

Specify the directory for storing the license file by using an environment variable.


<PATH/TO/MY/LICENSE> indicates the directory where the license file is stored.